We Believe


The Bible

We believe it is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God. As such it is our final authority for all matters of Christian faith and practise.


We believe in one God, existing eternally as three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God the Father

We believe the Father is fully God; that His Fatherhood is eternal and personal and the He is the Father of our Lord Jesus and of all who believe in Christ.

God the Son

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone of the Church (Ephesians 2:20) He is fully God and became fully man, born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life. He died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for sin, rose bodily from the dead and then ascended into heaven. All who repent of sin and by faith receive Jesus as Saviour, find cleansing and forgiveness. We keenly anticipate His return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

God the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God and that He is one with the Father and the Son. We believe in being “born again” through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that He indwells in every true believer. By His power we are able to live a Godly life.


We believe that salvation is initiated by the grace of God and is available to all because of the death of Jesus. We become Gods’ children through our faith in Him not through our good works.

The Second Coming

Jesus Christ will soon come again to gather His Church to himself and set up his eternal kingdom on earth.

The Church and the Great Commission

We believe that those who have received Jesus Christ as their Saviour and have been born again by the Holy Spirit make up the Church. We believe that the Great Commission is the joyful privilege of the Church. That is to make disciples of all nations.


We believe in baptism by water and this is the outward expression of an inward decision to follow Christ.


We believe that Jesus commanded us to remember His sacrifice for us by regularly sharing bread and wine together.